Unbreakable Mar23 by Manui & Adams on March 23, 2006 at 12:01 am Chapter: The Hundred ClassicCharacters: Death Himself, Denise Olthlay, Joe Holy, Ogrek, Persephone, Stress, Withers, Yamara First published: September, 1995. First posted Online: March 23, 2006. └ Tags: Dark Treacle, Death Himself, Denise Olthlay, Hard Fun, Joe Holy, Ogrek, Persephone, Staff of Public Domain, Stress, Withers, Yamara Related Comics ¬ Midi-chlorian Genesis Now, MY Thought Was… One Wedding And A Funeral At A Time Like This Joy Turned To Tragedy Today
If the goddess were male, would he be called “Denephew”?