New York — August 9, 2023.
The Game of International Diplomacy is now on eBay, straight from us, folks.
LIMITED STOCK! Only a few cases of this classic Kickstarter game are still available from Aetherco! And there aren’t that many per case! When they’re gone, they’re gone, except for other sellers on eBay, but you knew that! Ours are originally shrink-wrapped and brand new from the box, though, so hurry hurry hurry!
A little publisher tells us that some elves have taken a shipment or two away from the printers of Oh My God! There’s An Axe In My Head game. These elves do what elves do, and that’s distribute games.
Also, we’ve gotten a couple of cases straight from the press. They look mighty fine:
It is very close indeed to Christmas, but every effort is being made to get the now-released game into the hands of all the Kickstarter backers as quickly as possible. Further details should be popping up here,, Facebook and Twitter as we pull these various sites together.
Dave Fooden and Chris would like to thank everyone for their long patience and trust in our making this wacky wacky dream an even more absurd and amusing reality.
Merry Axmas!
“Take Me Home“, The New Yorker, June 4, 2012.
Keep outpacing those soft rains.