Posted: Thursday, Calends of March, AD 2007.
Hi, everyone. Chris here.
Some folks have emailed wondering if we have gone the way of Trampier draconis, a species not known if it is alive or extinct. ‘Cause it’s been five months since you heard from us on this site. Well, we are both alive and well, so now you all can feel free to kill us.
A writer’s block sometime in September cascaded into family crisis/election-year/anxieties/activities all of which
resolved pretty well by late December, and then it’s been catch-up on various other parts of my life since then. Not that that excuses my silence in all media the whole time. I was trusting the slowness of the Southampton-to-Calcutta packet to become my alibi, but I have been discovered. Apologies all round.
General Review of What’s Up Already
The forums have been frozen out to new subscribers since October, because of superspamosity. I’ll have emailing instructions up soon explaining how to activate any Actual
Accounts from Humans, assuming I maintain any
recollection of what keeping promises is like, and assuming anyone new actually wants to join before more strips
Further Information, the GM’s supplement for CºNTINUUM, has finally sold out. How ever will we break the news to Amazon. Our long-suffering co-author on the game, Dave Fooden, has discussed with us the possibility of putting some of the books online, possibly as a compilation.
And in case you feel I need an intervention… I got one at Dreamation, over the
Axe In My Head boardgame. People really want to see this made, and I was confronted by a friendly but frustrated potential customer. Truth is, we’re unlikely to have the resources to make the game ourselves in the short term; I have always known this, it has never been an “Aetherco” production, and Dave and I have been trying to sell it to someone who would actually make it. Dave has been the brave point man in foisting it upon everyone from here to Toy Fair. If you’d like to proselytise, please go to boardgamegeek.com, and post your raves there, thus encouraging some game company to pick it up.
It the midst of all my cheerful ineptitude, ICON has chosen to
invite me as a gaming guest this year. (Thank the nice man, Chris. Thank you, Mr. Dregg.) Dave and I will be
running Axe, I’ll be running CºNTINUUM, and we’ll even have an alpha of a new
(again nonAetherco) boardgame called Scarcity, wherein everyone loses everything.
As for the writer’s block, in the last few weeks I’ve taken up the odd tangent of writing a novel, to give me a
different perspective from comics. It seems to be working, and as this post on yamara.com evidences, I am thinking more about the Sargasso of strips I’ve let lie adrift around the intertubes. The novel is a (mostly) serious SF piece about a castaway in time. This is also helping clear some of my brain-cobwebs over the ever-pending NªRCISSIST, even as more notes for it continue to gather in that plastic Duane Reade bag at the back of my bedroom.
In Summation
I am still attempting toincrease the aggregate volume of entertainment I produce. Completing projects has been my life’s Achilles heel (which, come to think of it, was Thetis’ inability to complete a project on her son) and I have a hard time trying my hand at anything small. Barbara and I are going to complete Yamara: The Working Title War, but we’d like to win it, and that will mean choosing the right time for battles.
In the meantime, stay sane and better the world. Stop back here and at aetherco.com to learn when we’re coming round next to mess things up again.
PS – Barbara is not frozen in carbonite. Tell Salacious he can stop cackling
now. Bar sends greetings to all.
PPS – That Burger King ad featuring the chauvinist parody of Helen Reddy’s I Am Woman keeps blipping in and out of airplay in the NYC area; does anyone know if it’s in regular rotation elsewhere? Because we
do have a Yamara-episode-level response if its been playing more than twice in the past five months, and therefore would be recognized by our contemporaries.
PPS.1 – Guess there’s always YouTube.
PPPS – Ralph has asked if he can stop posing for the October wallpaper now. I told him to hold his horses, I’ll
do it. And Barbara is going to charge him for running the blender all this time.
What? He’s made of money!