Yes, our Kickstarter campaign has begun. In little more than 40 days from now, we expect to turn the wheels of production on this long-awaited game. Dozens, maybe hundreds of people have played Oh My God! There’s An Axe In My Head over the last seven years, and have asked again and again, “Where can I buy it?”
Well, Dave Fooden has put it together at last in a Kickstarter program. Click here and place your pledge–at this writing, we’re off to a great start, and we don’t want any of our longtime fans to miss out!
AND! Kickstarter has featured us on their weekly blog! “New Projects Are An Axe In Our Heads (In A Good Way):
The artwork looks a lot like what would happen if John Kovalic and Winsor McCay made an art baby, which is to say it looks really cool.
Whoa! Now that makes me want to kick back and play half a game of Munchkin while Burne Hogarth cleans half my brushes! I am abashed, and very honored by your words, Cindy Au of Kickstarter project. We will see to that Oh My God! There’s An Axe In My Head will be worthy of those names.