FANDOM updated August 12, 2005.
Despite Yamara appearing in print just before the dawn of the web, and not quite catching the first wave of webcomicdom, there are (and have been) fans of ours posting stuff online.
Many have departed, like the young fan who built her own cast page, or the AOL "Hard Fun" newsgroups (yes, plural!) But here's a few faithfully hanging around waiting for us to finally get our act together. Kudos to you all, past and present:
S. John Ross' Apocryphal Scenes from St. Nobian's
Joe gets in trouble for letting a holy mumming for Yamara the God go on at St. Nobian's. Classic S. John stuff, for which we are not worthy!
Heather Gately's Fanfic
We managed to rescue these (self-rated PG for language) from the flames of her extinguished Angelfire site. Heather both went by the moniker "Yamara" as well as invented a goddess Yamara that hung out with some quasi-Xenaesque Olympians. But then she also wrote stuff about our Yamara, so we'll let you sort it out:
Yamara---No, the one from 'Dragon Magazine' from context, we think she only had the Yamara book to work from, and not the rest of the series from Dragon.
A Tale of Two Yams wherein Yamara Tooke and Heather's Yamara talk over Crystalvox, and Ralph is killed. ...Meanie. But seriously, both are very enjoyable stories.
Marianne Waage
Marianne is the other Yamara online, having adopted the name some years back, inspired by our strip, earning her the title Plush Goddess of Thievery (Undisciplined). She is also the High Priestess of Sheep, and the Queen of Squash, neither of which we can confirm or deny given available intelligence at this time. We do know, however, that she is a talented designer. Check her out.
Tom Ziolkowski's Get Familiar
Tom cites Yamara as one of his inspirations. Paying it forward, bro.
Got any fannish Yamara stuff? Point to it online, or send it to us at: yamara@earthlink.net. We don't bite, and we don't know anyone at the RIAA. And only one or two Homeland Security agents.