Deprecated housekeeping notes from May 18, 2006.
Some important housekeeping notes.
Yamara now runs weekly on Thursdays. The first episode, “Yamara’s Dreme”, is actually from August, but feel free to vote and comment on what you think about the site’s new look. Plus, the art from next week’s first two panels are over there, behind the vote buttons.
The tip jar, at right, should now work. You should be able to request a specific handle which will appear on our new strips, starting June 1. If Paypal doesn’t present you a space for you to leave your desired Immortalization Handle, email us at once, and we’ll repair your fragile mortality. Please keep it PG. Unacceptable names will be censorizated with diacritic characters of our choosing.
A note to various comic lists and encyclopedias: These are chapters of the same comic, not different comics. We request you not retroactively disqualify us for having fewer than ten strips or some such. The location of our archive page remains unchanged, and that should say it all.
For the curious, we have some ‘splainin’ to do: It is in the nature of php to be so seamlessly interactive that one
can overlook potential applications and modifications, since it’s supposedly easy to code them in later.
Unfortunately, we are neither php coders, nor do we wish to spend the time or money on creating the perfect webcomic delivery engine. Walrus is plenty great, thank you.
Still, we wanted to do something that Walrus, and the other engines we looked at, couldn’t do out of the box: Change the background and format at a certain date, but leave the previous dates with the old layout. Chris has devised a workaround: The Hundred Classic Episodes have moved to a new directory,, while the new strips are still here at the directory, so that links around the web don’t suddenly become obsolete.
We’re trying to make this as easy on fans as possible:
- The Working Title War and The Hundred Classic Episodes are thoroughly linked together onsite through the archive, the “Scrolls of Plegh” menu, and even special rewind/fast forward buttons.
- All the old strips, images, and even the news are duplicated into the ongoing /yamara/ directory, so if you’ve been bad and remotely linked one of our strips, then the hour of facing your rightful Day of Reckoning has been postponed.
- A link to will still reach the latest strip. However, any addresses before May 18, 2006 linked to a specific date (index.php?date=) will fail– we can’t forward them with out #2¢%ing up our engine or layout– and you’ll have to update those links to the /yamaraclassic/ directory, assuming you really care.
- We expect the RSS feeds to update normally, but we will be watching.
- A lot of this info is repeated from the rant for May 15, 2006, since this is the switching point.