kafira |
Hello people that speak English first and not at another time. I am very happiness to be presenting very soon a page and other about my life and many battles to free people against tyrants with no thinking, and with a toilet in the heart! Join me soon for many fightings!
Unfortune. There is time dilation from here to World Wide Internet release, so I am still learning at English with typing in twelve fingers but you are read in later stories of my existence. I believe I grow better English, but please don't tell me I get marriage, I would not believe you, being too independent and busy with killing very bad people to benefit good people. No time to honeymoon! Ha ha! But Kiril is more sexual.
I hope that you have and after enjoy the adventures and Alcott Squad! I look forward to my Internet Wide World page, and will be very informative and interested. Remember, that just because explosions are exciting, it does not mean that many people don't die. A pause for thinking!
Best blessings to you all. Guard your children well!
-Kafira Tepstei of Wildnu
A postscript for Earth people. Sometimes terrorizing capitalists is very good. Why can't I say that what about your Boston Tea Time.
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